Sponsorship Opportunities

You can place a Sponsored Business Profile in The Psychologists' Almanac to tell the story of your business or product. You'll have an entire page of the book to tell professionals about your business. The business profiles will be right next to the large list of referral sources that psychologists and psychiatrists are sure to re-visit over and over again. You can learn more and use this Word document template to create your Sponsored Business Profile.

E-mail your questions and/or your completed business profile to toddfinnerty@toddfinnerty.com

Purchase a Sponsored Business Profile

Cost: First full page ad on the next page right after the referral source lists: $500; middle pages $275 each; last page of the business profile section $350. The ad costs include a full page sponsored business profile you create for The Psychologists’ Almanac, a thank you link from our website for one year and periodic mentions on the Psychology.news blog. E-mail Dr. Finnerty and he will send you a PayPal invoice, an address to send a check or otherwise work out financial arrangements with you.